I have a lot of pictures on my computer how can I delete them quickly? - pictures of how to masterbat
I have many photos on my computer and it will always long there any way I want to delete all at once eliminated?
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I have a lot of pictures on my computer how can I delete them quickly? - pictures of how to masterbat
I have many photos on my computer and it will always long there any way I want to delete all at once eliminated?
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Select the first one. Thus, the first left and hold SHIFT and arrow key down. Wait until everything is selected, hold down the Shift key, right-click and select "Move to Trash" or "Delete" if you delete go into the trash and empty. Viola!
If you delete all pictures in a folder Ctrl-A all.If highlighted only some of them want to delete Ctrl-click to add the selected files.
Then delete (Shift + Del), they do not send) to the Trash (Delete.
No way to all photo files on your computer at a time, delete,.
IOF find, click on a declaration that, then right click Select All, then Edit, Delete all /////////
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